Patient Portal Forms & Questionnaires

Below are a selection of the forms that we have created and that you may choose to ask patients to complete and submit via the Patient Portal. Many of these forms are variations on the same questions or topics. For patients convenience, it is highly recommended that you select just a few intake questionnaires (up to 5 or so maximum), and be selective about additional forms and questionnaires. Having too many, or highly duplicative, forms available tends to be a source of confusion and frustration for patients.

If you are interested in including one or more of these questionnaires on your patient portal, please check the boxes next to the questionnaires you are interested in. Once you are done, specify any modifications/tweaks in the field at the bottom of this page and then hit submit.

Some of these forms will auto-populate the patient's chart (indicated below), while the remainder will save as a document attached to the patient's chart

IFM Forms

Covid Intake

Medical History

Family History

Social History

Readiness Assessment

Medical Symptom/Toxicity Questionnaire

Self-Care Questionnaire

Exercise History Questionnaire

Sleep Questionnaire


Request Forms

Please be sure that you have checked every questionnaire that you want added to your Patient Portal. If you require additional forms not seen here, or if you require extensive modification to any of the above questionnaires, please contact
What is your name?
Which Practice are you with?
What is your email address?*

*We will use this to contact you if we have any questions, as well as notify you once the forms have been posted to your Portal.

Specify any minor modifications or tweaks you would like to see. Please be as specific as possible.
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Patient Portal Cerbo© 2024